Lifeline & Telephone Assistance Plan

Lifeline & Telephone Assistance Plan

You may be eligible for assistance on your telephone or internet bill if you receive benefits from certain low-income assistance programs.
There are two programs:

· Minnesota’s Telephone Assistance Plan (TAP) offers a monthly credit of $10.00 on your landline telephone service plan. You may receive the TAP credit on one landline per household.

· The Federal Lifeline Program offers a monthly discount of $5.25 on some landline and wireless telephone service plans. Lifeline also offers discounts of $9.25 on some broadband internet service plans. You may receive the Lifeline discount on one service per household. The definition of a “household” is anyone living at an address including children, relatives, people not related to you, etc. who share income(s) and household expenses.

If applying for the TAP discount, mail the following to the address below:
TAP applicationAssociated documents

If applying for the Lifeline discount, mail the following to the address below:
Lifeline applicationLifeline Household WorksheetAssociated documents

Roseau Electric Cooperative, Inc.
PO Box 100
Roseau, MN  56751-0100